Adventure and Travel Talk With James Ketchell


We are pleased to introduce you into a new segment of our blog. ‘Adventure and Travel Talk with…’ will be bringing you exclusive interviews from fellow travellers, adventurers and explorers taking you into the their shoes and sharing their Highs and Lows on the road, their travel successes, tips and advice and of course their unforgettable experiences. First up, one of the most inspiring travellers who, lets face it has influenced many to follow their dreams of adventure.

For those who don’t know, this is James Ketchell. Having had a serious motorbike accident in 2007 which left him with broken legs amongst other serious injuries, he was told he wouldn’t be able to live a physical active life he had enjoyed up to that point. Do you think this stopped him? of course not! James Ketchell has since gone on to achieve what some of us can only imagine. From Rowing across the Atlantic Ocean, summiting Everest and Cycling 18,000 miles around the World, Going on to share his experience with schools and other organisations, Giving motivational speeches and pursuing self belief in others. He also has a passion for charity, supporting the quality of life for disabled children and young adults, along with being Hampshire’s Scouting Ambassador.

After suffering serious injuries from a bike crash in 2007 what gave you the determination to go on and achieve your ‘ultimate triathlon’?

I set out to row across the Atlantic Ocean as it was something that I have dreamt about as a young boy for many years. I did it as it gave me something to focus on and a reason to go through my rehabilitation after my motorcycle accident.  Climbing Everest and cycling around the world were not planned initially, the opportunity presented it’s self. I am a true believer that when you push yourself out of your comfort zone doors of opportunity will naturally open. 

What has been your toughest moment across all of your adventures?

My toughest moment has probably been getting to the start line. Raising funds for expeditions is by far the hardest part of any adventure. Physically the toughest moment I have encountered was descending Everest with a serve lung infection. 


What advice would you give to someone who wishes they could go on similar adventures to yourself, but have doubts about their capabilities?

Everyone has the ability to be whoever they want to be and do anything they want, if a protocol of never giving up is adhered to. Taking the first step and committing to something is the hardest part, after that things get a lot easier. Everyone has to start somewhere so my advice would be to get out there and start now!


Of everything you’ve achieved, what was the moment you’re most proud of?

When I cycled around the world I spoke in a school in every country I visited and spoke to over 10,000 young people. Out of everything I have achieved I am most proud of that. 


Out of all the countries you’ve been to, If you could revisit any which would it be and why?

This is a tough question as I’d like to visit all of them again. I would visit America as just like every country I passed through so many people were very good to me, something I will never forget. 

Wow, what a first guest and we would like to thank James for taking the time out to bring us some of his challenges and experiences. You can find James’s website here to get the full story on all his travel adventures and up and coming challenges ahead. Check back soon for more travel and adventure talk and find out who will be sharing next.

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