There are different types of services that Uber offers in Athens, Greece. You can choose to ride with the driver using Uber X, or you can opt for a taxi experience by using Uber TAXI. Uber usually has experienced drivers who have the right expertise and skills to drive a car. There are multiple tests and background checks conducted in order to ensure that the drivers are good to go. This way, the passengers, as well as the drivers, feel safe and protected. Some places require the drivers and passengers to be protected by insurance as well, but this condition may vary for each city.
How Does Uber Work?
It is no rocket science to use Uber. In fact, it is very user friendly. All you have to do is download the Uber app on your smartphone and register your account. You can book a car, select the relevant location, and even pay for it there and then. This way, there is no cash exchange between the passenger and the rider. You don’t even need to provide any credit card information to the driver or any other personal information.
If you are traveling from abroad, make sure that you have a data package in order to use the Uber app. You will have access to the same features that you have back at home, so you don’t need to worry about exploring a whole new app.
How Has Uber Benefited Greece?
Previously before Uber was introduced in Greece, people widely used local taxis, which were quite dominant. It not only cost extra but also did not provide services as efficient as Uber does. Sometimes the taxi drivers would even stop in the middle to pick up other passengers, which was a hassle for the passengers already in the cab.
Unfortunately, Uber is now banned in Athens, and you only have access to Uber Taxi, which is a bit more costly than regular Uber. But if you are looking for a comfortable experience, then using Uber Taxi should be the right choice for you.
There are other apps that you can use in Athens as well, such as the Beats app, which is also similar to the Uber app. It has a bigger pool of drivers and less wait time compared to Uber. Some people don’t face any issues in using the Uber app and are quite comfortable with it.
Advantages of Using Uber App
- Uber is more convenient than any other public transport service in Athens. One of the biggest conveniences that the app provides is that it is cashless. There is no cash transaction between the driver and the passenger.
- You will find professional conduct by the drivers. Uber drives are trained professionals who know proper professional conduct, which offers a great experience for the passengers. This also promotes Uber and creates brand recognition.
- The drivers go through several background checks, which ensure customer safety and security, so you don’t need to worry about Uber being unsafe. The customers also have an option to rate the driver, which is then used as part of performance evaluation and salary increments.