

Cultivating Stillness

There is too much rushing: past myself, in the world around me, in my own thoughts. I lose my centeredness: agendas prevail, thoughts collide, my self becomes lost. I must...

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How to Avoid Destructive Tourism

Traveling can be a big threat to the planet—both environmentally and culturally. There, I've said it. As much as those of us afflicted with wanderlust don't want to admit it,...

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Top 5 Reasons to Travel Sustainably

Sustainable Travel is all about leaving a smaller footprint in the places we travel, both on nature and the people who live there.  It's also called ecotourism, green travel, and my...

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48 Hours in Vientiane, Laos

When people arrive in Laos, the land-locked, slow-moving, peaceful country in Southeast Asia, they generally gravitate toward Luang Prabang as far as cities. But while a different vibe, the capital...

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They Call It Myanmar

I have never written a post on this blog two days in a row, until now. But I wanted to follow up on my piece yesterday about the beautiful, magical...

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