

Rediscovering Eden in Panama

Panama has long been on my list of places to visit. While I have traveled to most other Central American countries, I finally made it to Panama this month and...

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The Best Season to Visit to Cyprus

The Mediterranean climate of Cyprus means that the island enjoys hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters.  The island is generally kissed by sunshine all year round, however, depending on...

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Travel Is Not Utopia

Clearly, I love to travel. Exploring cultures and finding new adventures around the world — and in particular, learning the stories and lives of others — is one of my...

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The Panama Canal via Eco-Tour

I arrived in Panama City from Quito, Ecuador a little over a week ago with my boyfriend. Neither of us has ever been to Panama before. One of the things...

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The Best Places to Eat in Rome

Italy is like the Garden of Eden when it comes to finding heavenly bliss with food. There are so many amazing places that you can literally eat your way across...

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On the Artisan route in Ecuador

Ecuador is an endlessly fascinating country - though small, it has an amazing diversity that belies its size. From the Galapagos Islands and the Amazon rainforest; from the mountains and...

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