Introducing Flashpacking Duo and our Travel Blog

Flashpacking Duo

Hello! Anybody out there?….probably not as this is our first post but i guess we’ve all got to start somewhere.

Welcome to our travel blog, Just a short introduction on who we are and what makes Flashpacking Duo. So we are Dom and Claire, just two everyday people who like you have a passion for travel, We have been on short trips so far but both being in our 20’s and tired of the everyday grind of work we have decided to take the plunge and save every penny possible and go to the places and experience all the things we have so far always only ever talked about.

travel blog

Now of course we all know it doesn’t happen over night, so much planning, so much compromise (being two!) and oh my god all the saving! We just did not know where to start first, so the books came out and we read EVERYTHING you needed to know for your first travel experience. We have given up our apartment, moved in with the parents (cringe) and working as many hours all in aid of reaching our end goal. Now that is the part you never read about, had we decided to do this straight out of School or College with no responsibilities we would have jumped at the opportunity but to take that leap when you have a house, a partially good career is a pretty daunting thing and not coming from a ‘rich’ background we know we are pretty much on our own where the travel funds are concerned. This is where our travel blog comes in, we want to share a realistic ‘from the start’ experience with people who not only share our love for travel, food and culture but want that one stop shop on all you need to know from travel resources, reviews, even down to the nitty-gritty on travel perspective… and of course if we only raise a penny then that all helps towards our goal.

travel blog
One of the many beautiful Moroccan restaurants we visited in Marrakech

So you may be wondering why did we choose Flashpacking Duo as our travel blog name? Well we could have gone with backpacking duo but we thought that sounds to clichéd and boring. So after a bit of deliberation and a few brief arguments (yes over a blog name ha) we fell upon Flashpacking Duo. We choose Flashpacking Duo because we felt that is what best describes us. We aren’t the typical gap year/college leaver backpacker who is needing to travel on a shoestring budget, sleeping in dorms and living off street food (not that there is anything wrong with that i may add, some of the best food we’ve tasted is from a street vendor). Fortunately our budget allows for a private room and the occasional splurge on a nice restaurant meal. The choice to fly to countries rather than crammed on a bus for hours. Even still, we are backpackers and we are on a budget like everyone else, we always watch what we spend as we want to travel for as long as possible.

We have got our trip planned November 2016, starting from Nepal working our way through 15 countries and finishing somewhere in central America. We hope to share most of the details with you along the way, from our Facebook, Twitter and travel blog. So if you have any questions then get in touch. Anyway.. we hope you enjoy our blog and look forward to hearing from you soon!

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