Are We There Yet?

Travel – it’s what moves, motivates, inspires and fulfills many of us, myself included. And because I am who I am – both a travel writer AND a personal global nomad – a big percentage of my friends and colleagues are big-time travelers too.

936690_10152910850565370_1281157730_nSuch as Jeff Jung. A fellow Texan, hailing from the quaint German town of Fredericksburg about an hour and a half outside Austin, Jeff took his first international trip when he was 16, to Australia. This fueled his lifelong passion for travel, and after many years in a consulting/corporate marketing career, Jeff finally made his “Career Break” in 2007. He went to South America with a goal to become fluent in Spanish. He also wanted to see magnificent sunrises in farflung places and learn to ski, at age 36.

After this extended trip, Jeff relocated to Bogota Colombia and started Career Break Secrets, to inspire others and help them plan their own career break journey. In 2009, he filmed the first season of The Career Break Travel Show.

I got to meet up with Jeff on a recent weekend when he was back in Texas, not only for a visit but also to do a one-man show about his travels, back in his hometown of Fredericksburg. Am I There Yet encapsulated Jeff’s tall tales and life lessons from his global journey. In the show, he recounted his early travels and how that exposed him to a thirst for experiencing different places, cultures and ways of life throughout the world; and he also shared some funny and heartwarming stories, sprinkled with some of his best tips for rewarding travel.

I want to show people that a career break is possible, real people do it, and how to get the most out of their own journey,” says Jeff.

The show was a kick-off of sorts for a roadtrip series of live events that Jeff and Career Break Secrets will be putting on in the coming months, throughout Texas and other states. Because Life is Out There is a fun and interactive event about  how to travel the world without breaking the bank, or your career. Included in the price of the ticket is a copy of Jeff Jung’s book The Career Break Travel Handbook, an indispensable tool for dreaming, planning, and finally taking your trip of a lifetime.

When I left my job, the term “career break” didn’t really exist. But there certainly was a community of people from around the world who were already doing it. In this book, I want to show that a career break is possible for you, how to plan for it, how to get the most out of your time on the road, and how to use your career break to your advantage once you re-enter the workforce.”       –Jeff Jung

If you may be, like many people, trying to figure out how to leave the corporate 9-5 world, take a sabbatical or just travel more, check out Jeff’s show (more dates will be added along the line), or subscribe to the Career Break Secrets TV show!

Photo Credit: Charles Henri

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