We all love a good vacation, with all the food, drinks and relaxation, how can we not? But there are some people out there for whom no vacation (no matter the length) is ever enough. Those who constantly have travel on the brain and wanderlust in their veins. If you can relate with any of these 9 signs, chances are you’re a natural born traveler. Better get used to it.
9. You find old plane tickets all the time
In your suitcase, purses, bags, books… you name it. They just seem to pop up and they always bring a smile to your face.
8. Travel gear gets you excited
You always have a pair of noise cancelling ear buds in your bag. You love hearing about the latest in compression packing technology and you have an unspoken bond with your backpack.
7. There’s no country that isn’t on your Bucket List
And every time someone talks about their trips, you seem to add a new destination to the list. You’ll get to them all eventually right?
6. The thought of your passport expiring causes chest pains
We’re talking actual anxiety because the thought of being stuck in your own borders should the opportunity for travel occur, is simply not an option.
5. Anytime someone says they’re traveling, you automatically think of restaurant recommendations
Because you not only remember destinations by experiences, you remember them by flavors.
4. You have tiny toiletries packed and ready to go. Always
The essentials like shampoo, conditioner, sanitizer, toothpaste, wet wipes and moisturizer are always on-hand for spontaneous travel.
3. Your phone is loaded with travel apps
You know the value of having information on the go and know how to make the most of it. Currency converter, maps, restaurant app, itinerary manager…you’ve got it all.
2. You enjoy planning the trip just as much as taking it
Taking the trip is only HALF the fun. The other part is the planning, research and build up that gets you oh so excited. So much so that you’ve even offered to plan other people’s for them.
1. You’re constantly checking for ‘good deals on flights’, because you know…just in case
Because a good deal is a good deal and you wouldn’t want to pass that up. It’s doesn’t even matter the destination, it’s somewhere new right?