4 Years, 38 Countries, 1 Man and His Bike

KEHAN CHEN / Getty Images

We interview a new friend, Taro, about his interesting travel via bicycle. A travel story about 38 countries, 4 years, and one man and his bike.

Since we started our full-time travels, we’ve met so many amazing people. On our first day in Beijing, we made an instant friend – yes we’re talking about you Emily – and since then we’ve acquired a traveling family, the Wagoners, a Thai family through Airbnb, a Taiwanese-Serbian family through Couchsurfing, and made friends and connections, across the world.  While we are still in contact with many, some people we met were just fleeting interactions that left long-term impressions on us, like the loud, friendly American from Long Island we met at a Thai restaurant in Chiang Mai who told us his life story, or some of the Airbnb and Couchsurfing hosts we stayed with, who took time to talk about their life and travels. It’s crazy how many connections you meet, how many lives touch yours, and how small this world really becomes when you travel. We’ve consistently run into people from a variety of walks of life, doing all manner of things, and we’ve been continually in awe of how many incredible stories there are.

Source: 4 Years, 38 Countries, 1 Man and His Bike

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